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The Top 3 Tips for Transitioning That May Just Save Your Hairbrush.


Updated: Jan 25, 2022


The curly girl method is the method that works best for YOU. Figure out what hair care products your hair loves. And accept the ones that it does not.

Maybe the actual curly girl method does work for you. It doesn't for me, but that is a-okay *insert thumbs up here* Not every hair tip is something that may work for you and that is fine!

It takes time to notice a change in your hair when trying new products. Give yourself that time to notice the change you're looking for.


It's also more than okay to have a moment...or month where you dislike your hair. If you've had relaxers or products that change the natural structure of your hair, you haven't given yourself the time to really embrace the new curly lifestyle.

Don't panic if you're 3 months into your journey and you feel like you can't take it. Like you wanna "go Britney." It's normal. Figure out styles that make you feel beautiful.

You know, that kind of beautiful when you draw your eyeliner on perfectly and naturally you feel like you deserve a slow-mo video of you walking down Broadway.

Like, where's my personal photographer? ...Too much? No.

Back to Tip Two. Personally, I dedicated the days that I knew was going to be a couch potato and tried multiple styles I found online. Or I would try on wigs (they were my best friend) when I just wanted my long hair back.


Wash day. Yeah, what a mouth full. This was probably the most difficult for me. Don't worry if you don't have a solid routine.

Referring back to Tip One, it takes time to figure out what products work for you. So naturally, it will take time to figure out the best hair care routine.

One thing I can say, conditioner is your best friend. Finding the right conditioner can help create shiny, healthy, easy-to-detangle, moisturized hair.

When conditioning find the best brush that works for your curly hair texture (you can look through reviews and figure this out really through trial and error). Allow the water to run through your hair and brush while the water is rinsing out the conditioner.

It allows for smooth clean easy brushes through your hair. Less crying. Fewer tears. Shorter showers.

* * *

SO OKAY. Maybe your hairbrush is will be fine. BUHT. Just remember overall everyone's journey is different.

Sometimes the natural journey is easier for others, sometimes it takes 3 x the charm to get past month 5 of being natural. It's all okay, it will be okay curlfriend. You're beautiful.


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Transition Tips Anyone?

Yes, please. Help me on this emotional curl journey!

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I want the details on making my curl journey a little easier!

Disclaimer: I, The Curlfriend (the.curlfriend) For the Curlfriends, am not a professional in hair care or cosmetic product application. This blog (website and affiliated social media content, YouTube included, and pages) are based on my personal experience only. I cannot guarantee desired changes in skin or hair. Please consult with a professional before changing personal routines, diets, etc. 

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